For me, travel is one of life’s greatest pleasures – exploring new places, meeting new people and trying new foods. But it doesn’t come without its difficulties, from stomach bugs and travel sickness to cultural differences and language barriers.
Whilst I have no quick fixes for the latter, I do have some useful tips on avoiding or combatting any health issues you may encounter during your travels.
I’ve learnt that being prepared with the right supplements can make all the difference in ensuring my travels stay enjoyable, no matter what the journey throws at me. Whether it’s supporting my immune system, helping me sleep better during flights and jet lag, or avoiding bouts of nausea!
In this article, I am going to share with you the 5 most essential travel supplements that I couldn’t live without. I have also included a useful list of additional supplements that you may want to carry just in case of emergencies, although, you’ll likely find these in most local pharmacies.
Just a quick thank you to Symprove who have kindly sponsored this post. Thanks to brands like Symprove, I can continue posting useful travel content!
1. A gut supplement
I can say with great certainty that anytime I travel somewhere new I am going to have gut problems within the first week. I have a sensitive gut and have struggled with IBS for many years, but I also know many who don’t and also find their gut requires a readjustment period whenever arriving somewhere new.
Every destination you go to will have new food, different water (although you should drink bottled mineral water in most countries), and a completely different variety of bacteria, which is a lot for your gut to deal with at first.
This is why I prioritise taking a gut health supplement before leaving and travelling. My favourite is Symprove, a water-based supplement containing live, friendly bacteria. It helps keep my gut bacteria balanced as I try out new cuisines and eat new foods, and since supporting my gut health, I have noticed that my reactions to food upon arrival have been significantly calmer. Find out more about Symprove here.
Travel with Symprove!
The gut supplement I swear by – saving me from many a dodgy travel stomach bug. It even comes in handy 70ml travel-sized bottles which can be packed in your carry-on luggage and don’t need refrigerating.
2. A sleep supplement
I’m a sensitive sleeper, so any changes to my environment can have a huge impact on the amount of zzzs I catch at night. Long-haul flights + jet lag + unfamiliar environments = many a sleepless night. Therefore, one of the most important travel supplements for me is one that aids my sleep.
These include melatonin and magnesium. I like to take one of these before and during flights, as well as throughout my jet lag. They help me to doze off quicker and get a more restful sleep.
You can also try other herbal supplements that contain ingredients like passion flower, valerian, lemon balm, chamomile, and lavender.
3. An immunity supplement
Travelling and mixing with people, particularly in new places, undoubtedly increases your chances of catching an illness. Be it a cold, the flu, or an infection, your immune system has to work overtime to keep you healthy.
This is why it is so important to keep your immune system in tip-top shape, ready to fight off any potential attacks!
Supplements like Vitamin C, zinc, and Vitamin D are some of the most popular choices for supporting immunity. I also like to incorporate a gut health supplement, like Symprove (as mentioned in point 1) – since 70% of your immune system is in your gut (see the science)!
You can also try some natural herbal supplements like echinacea or elderberry which are known for their immune-boosting properties. Some people also swear by medicinal mushrooms like reishi, chaga, or cordyceps to strengthen their immunity.
If you’re prone to getting sick at home, I would particularly recommend trying any of the above during your travels!
4. A motion sickness supplement
Travel, whether you like it or not, requires transport. Be it a car or bus journey, a train or boat ride, or a flight. All of these modes of transport can cause motion sickness in some people.
I’m one of those unfortunate people that can’t stand boat journeys, particularly ferries. I love being out on the water but being stuck inside a vessel that constantly rocks back and forth sets off my nausea.
This is why I always make sure to carry supplements which help with motion sickness. One of the most popular natural remedies is ginger. You can find it in various forms, such as capsules, lozenges, or even ginger tea, and it works wonders for reducing my nausea. Another great option is peppermint, which is soothing for the stomach, but I don’t personally find it as effective.
If natural remedies don’t cut it, supplements containing vitamin B6 or over-the-counter remedies with meclizine or dimenhydrinate are often recommended. Some people also find relief using acupressure bands, which aren’t supplements but can work effectively alongside them.
5. A multivitamin
When I’m travelling for short periods of time or moving around a lot, I can easily miss out on the nutrients that my body needs. At home or in long-term accommodation abroad, I have a variety of recipes that I rotate to ensure I am getting a good variety of vitamins and nutrients from the food that I eat.
Maintaining this kind of consistency in more temporary environments is tough (although not impossible). Particularly when you aren’t in control of the foods you are eating, like in resorts and hotels. I like to make life easier for myself by carrying around a multivitamin which I can take whenever my life is a little more chaotic than usual. This normally means travel days, holidays and short stays.
The multivitamin can help fill in any gaps, ensuring I’m still getting essential vitamins and minerals like Vitamin B12 and iron. I also find it really handy when travelling to destinations where fresh fruits and vegetables aren’t as readily available.
Supplements I pack for emergencies
On top of these useful travel supplements, you may also want to consider the following for emergency use:
- Activated charcoal: A lifesaver for food poisoning or stomach upsets caused by something you ate.
- Electrolytes: Perfect for rehydration after a long day in the sun, a bout of food poisoning, or even just after an intense travel day where you’ve forgotten to drink enough water.
These might not be something you use every day, but when you need them, you’ll be so glad you packed them. But don’t worry, if you don’t have them to hand, you will easily find them in most pharmacies around the world.
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